What is Self Return -
This feature does exactly what it sounds like. You tell us when you ship your rental back and we will open up a shipping slot and get your next rental shipped even faster.
This is a feature that many customers have asked us for, for a very long time, and our team has worked hard to make this a possibility. We value your membership and appreciate your feedback and we think this will enhance your service in a significant way going forward.
Who is eligible -
GameFly members on the standard and elite plans who's account is in good standing (no recent loss issues), with over 6 months of service.
How does it work -
Its easy! if eligible you you will see the self return button in your Q next to your rental. Click the button, follow the prompts and make sure you are returning the correct disc that you're Self-Returning. The site will ask you to confirm and that's it!
Make sure you put the envelope in the mail like you normally would, at your earliest convenience.
By using Self-Return, you have cut your GameFly turnaround time in half!